New Year, New Strings..

Happy New Year Everybody!!

I still have another week of eating cheese and not knowing what day of the week it is before the wheels of the bus go back to going round and round all day long… But as it’s a new year I wanted to let you in on some exciting plans I have coming up!

First up, the brand new term of Rainbow Music For Kids starts up again in Clontarf on Friday the 13th. This term we will be learning about the colours of the Rainbow through songs and musical activities – we will have a new colour each week (week1 red, week2 orange, week3 yellow and so on) for 6 weeks at a cost of €50 per child. These classes usually fill up pretty quick so contact me now if you would like a place (max of ten per class). More info can be found on my Rainbow Music for Kids Classes page of my website.


This month also sees the welcome return of Rainbow Phil’s Saturday Superhouse!! We will be back in the Superhouse on Saturday 14th at 11am – as always try to arrive around 10:45 so we can all be signed in and ready to start on time. Saturday Superhouse is great for mums and dads who are stuck in the office all week, or for those kids who used to enjoy singing with me in the week but are now in montessori. It’s great fun, lots of singing, clapping, bouncing, marching dinosaurs and of course bubbles and the big parachute!


Now for the New Stuff!!

On Thursday 19th January I will be starting something very exciting (and mildly terrifying for me) in the Baldoyle Community Hall – The plan is to do an extra massive Rainbow Music For Kids class which will be open very everyone to join in. No advance payments, no committing to a full term, no need to book, just turn up and enjoy the music, singing and activities! The hall is massive so we don’t need worry about there being too many people turning up and I will be working with Niamh (the founder of Rainbow Music for Kids) to devise new and fun activities which will work on this scale. Oh and I forgot to mention, babies under 12months will be half price! I will be creating a Facebook event in the next few days with more info, so keep an eye out for that.

baldoyle hall

The other exciting new thing? I have been thinking about how I can make better use of those Facebook Live videos that I have been doing…

I was thinking and the idea that I thought of was… wait for it….

“Online Story-Time!!”

Each week I will choose a different story from my (well, Alfie’s) collection of picture books and read it out over the internet via Facebook Live to your little ones. If you are watching live at the time, then you can request a song for me to sing after the story by leaving me a comment – makes it proper interactive like! I was thinking Wednesdays at 3pm could work for this, but let me know what time fits around naps!


The only thing left to do is change my strings ready for playgroup on Monday morning!

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